Globalization has created a world where the connexion and interdependence between distant places and different geographical spaces became a reality. It is now easier to communicate with each other, as the English language has progressively assumed the role of lingua franca of this new world. Movement of people and goods is facilitated by the development of transportation and trade routes, as well as the creation of regional economic blocs and the strengthening of an international financial system.
However, globalization also brought new challenges. Language is one of them but it is not the only one. Distinct cultures, financial (in)stability, highly skilled workforce and competition have led companies to reinvent themselves and to question their models in order to succeed. Moreover, they need to be proactive in identifying, understanding and answering to these new challenges.
With this course, students will learn and develop competencies that will allow them to move with ease and readiness in terms of communication in diverse cultural business settings.